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Standardized and Extended Catalog of Major Proteins of the Human Kidney

L. I. Obelchuk,1 D. A. Tsomartova,1 L. I. Kovalyov,2,3 P. Z. Khasigov,1 P. G. Rubachev,1 S. V. Grachev,1 S. S. Shishkin,2 and T. T. Berezov4

1Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health Care and Medical Industry, ul. B. Pirogovskaya 2/6, Moscow, 119881 Russia; fax: (7-095) 248-01-81.

2Center for Medical Genetics, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, ul. Moskvorech'e 1, Moscow, 115478 Russia; fax: (7-095) 324-07-02.

3To whom correspondence should be addressed.

4Medical School, Friendship of Nations University, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya 6, Moscow, 117198 Russia; fax: (7-095) 434-04-12.

Submitted September 10, 1996; revision submitted October 15, 1996.

A new version of a two-dimensional electrophoretic catalog of proteins of the human kidney and of various morphological and functional structures of the human kidney is presented; it contains information about 179 polypeptides. The following proteins were identified: crystallin, albumin, mitochondrial superoxide dismutase, actin, fatty acid-binding protein, alpha-ATP-synthase, and transferrin. Some protein groups are specific for certain morphological structures.

KEY WORDS: two-dimensional electrophoresis, human kidney proteins.