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Prostaglandin H Synthase of Mouse Macrophages: Inhibiting and Activating Action of Ibuprofen

M. G. Sergeeva,1,2 M. V. Gonchar,1 D. A. Namgaladze,1 A. T. Mevkh,1 and S. D. Varfolomeyev1

1Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russia; fax: (7-095) 939-31-81; E-mail: mgserg@pghs.genebee.msu.su

2To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Submitted September 5, 1996; revision submitted October 31, 1996.

The effect of low (10-10-10-14 M) ibuprofen concentrations on the release of labeled arachidonic acid metabolites by mouse peritoneal macrophages containing a constitutive isoform of prostaglandin H synthase was investigated. It was found that during the activation the cells metabolized AA through the cyclooxygenase pathway, synthesizing PGE2 (110 ± 10 ng per 106 cells), PGF2alpha (120 ± 15 ng per 106 cells), and TxB2 (48 ± 5 ng per 106 cells). Incubation of the macrophages with 10-12 M ibuprofen leads to a sharp increase of PGE2 and PGF2alpha synthesis (315 ± 84 and 320 ± 20 ng per 106 cells, respectively). A microsomal preparation of macrophage PGH-synthase was compared with PGH-synthase of ram seminal vesicles and analogy of their properties was shown (Km = 5.3·10-5 M, IC50,ibuprofen = 15 µM). Some particularities of the PGH-synthase constitutive isoform (PGH-synthase-1) cellular regulation are discussed.

KEY WORDS: prostaglandin H synthase, peritoneal macrophages, ibuprofen, arachidonic acid, prostanoids.