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Purification of Soluble and Membrane Forms of Somatic Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme by Cascade Affinity Chromatography

O. A. Kost,1,2 S. V. Grinshtein,1 I. I. Nikolskaya,1 A. A. Shevchenko,1 and P. V. Binevski1

1School of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russia; fax: (7-095) 939-35-89; E-mail: kost@enzyme.chem.msu.su

2To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Submitted November 10, 1996.

Soluble and membrane forms of angiotensin-converting enzyme were purified by cascade affinity chromatography. The enzyme forms were completely separated from each other using their different affinity to the hydrophobic matrix phenyl-silochrome. The enzymes were further purified by affinity sorbent prepared by immobilization of the enzyme inhibitor N-[1(S)-carboxy-5-aminopentyl]glycylphenylalanine. The procedure yielded electrophoretically homogeneous soluble and membrane forms of angiotensin-converting enzyme containing only active molecules as demonstrated by titration with the reversible inhibitor lisinopril. According to phase partition in the presence of Triton X-114, the membrane enzyme is more hydrophobic than the soluble form. The catalytic characteristics of the enzyme forms differed from each other in the system Aerosol OT--water--octane (reversed micelles) which is a model of the membrane environment of the enzymes in vivo.

KEY WORDS: angiotensin-converting enzyme, soluble form, membrane form, hydrophobic chromatography, affinity chromatography, Aerosol OT.