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Effect of Superoxide in Air on Structural Organization and Phosphorylating Respiration of Mitochondria

A. V. Temnov,1 T. V. Sirota,1 I. G. Stavrovskaya,1 A. G. Foigel,1 and M. N. Kondrashova1,2

1Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142292 Russia; fax: (7-0967) 79-0553; E-mail: kondrashova@venus.iteb.serpukhov.su

2To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Submitted April 8, 1997; revision submitted June 19, 1997.
The effect of negative air ions generated by a Tchijevsky lustre was studied in rat liver mitochondria in homogenate under conditions providing preservation of their native structural organization in the form of associations. Rapid formation of large associations from intermediate and small associations occurs after the homogenate was put into medium pretreated by negative air ions (NAI). Under the influence of a flow of NAI on mitochondria stored on ice for 2-3 h formation of giant associations is observed. Associations of mitochondria are not dissipated by stirring with a magnetic stirrer for several minutes. The influence of medium pretreated with NAI or flow of NAI on homogenate improves weakened respiratory energy control and restores stimulation of phosphorylating respiration by adrenalin administration. The improvement of phosphorylation in mitochondria by NAI is perhaps caused by more complete preservation of both their native structural organization and related physiological regulation of mitochondrial processes in isolated preparations.
KEY WORDS: air ions, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, mitochondria, respiration regulation, adrenalin, associations of mitochondria.