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Induction of Nonselective Permeability of the Inner Membrane in Deenergized Mitochondria

V. N. Dedov, O. V. Demin, V. Ya. Chernyak, and B. V. Chernyak*

Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russia; fax: (095) 939-3181; E-mail: chernyak@pcman.genebee.msu.su

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received November 5, 1998; Revision received December 7, 1998
Induction of the nonselective cyclosporin-sensitive pore in the inner mitochondrial membrane under conditions of complete dissipation of ion gradients and transmembrane potential was studied. This approach allows the kinetics of Ca2+-dependent pore opening and the preceding processes of induction to be studied separately. The effects of mitochondrial heterogeneity were also minimized. We found that the kinetics of pore opening can be described by a minimal two-step scheme where only the rate constant at the first step depends on Ca2+ concentration. Oxidation of pyridine nucleotides in the matrix caused a slow transition in the pore complex and decreased the apparent dissociation constant of the Ca2+-binding site from >1 mM to ~30 µM. N-Ethylmaleimide (but not disulfide-reducing agents) prevented and slowly reverted the pore induction process. Data suggesting allosteric modulation of the pore by pyridine nucleotides are presented.
KEY WORDS: mitochondria, cyclosporin-sensitive pore, pyridine nucleotides