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Detection of Lectins in the Nuclear Matrix of Nerve Tissue Cells

R. G. Akhalkatsi1*, L. O. Kharazishvili1, T. V. Bolotashvili1, and T. M. Zaalishvili2

1Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Chavchavadze pr. 1, Tbilisi, 380028 Georgia; fax: (995-32) 22-1103; E-mail: cell@biomed.viamnet.edu.ge

2Institute of Molecular Biology and Biological Physics, Georgian Academy of Sciences, ul. Gotua 14, Tbilisi, 380060 Georgia

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received December 4, 1998; Revision received October 20, 1999
Lectins have been detected in the nuclear matrix of nerve tissue cells, and an extraction procedure for the protein fraction with lectin activity has been developed. The lectins are characterized by hemagglutinating activity that is inhibited by D-GlcNAc, D-Gal, Lac, and D-Glc. The existence of lectins with similar molecular masses (from 7 to 20 kD) in the nuclear matrix of calf and rat brain has been shown.
KEY WORDS: brain, nuclei, nuclear matrix, lectins