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Effect of Zinc Ions on Conformational Stability of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase

Y. Yang and H.-M. Zhou*

Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University; State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology, Beijing 100084, People's Republic of China; fax: +8610 62785505; E-mail: zhm-dbs@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received February 14, 2000
Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase preparations were prepared with the conformational zinc ion removed (Apo-I YADH) and with both the conformational and catalytic zinc ions removed (Apo-II YADH). The unfolding of Apo-I YADH and Apo-II YADH during denaturation in urea solutions was then followed by fluorescence emission, circular dichroism, and second-derivative optical spectroscopies. Compared with the native enzyme, Apo-I YADH incurred some slight unfolding, and its stability against urea was markedly decreased, while Apo-II YADH incurred marked unfolding but contained residual ordered structure even at high urea concentrations. The results show that native YADH is more conformationally stable against urea denaturation than Apo-I YADH, indicating that the conformational Zn2+ plays an important role in stabilizing the conformation of the YADH molecule. However, unfolding of the region around the conformational zinc ion is shown not to be the rate limited step in the unfolding of the molecule by the fact that the unfolding and inactivation rate constants of native and Apo-I YADH are the same. It is suggested that the catalytic zinc ion is more important in maintaining the structure of YADH. YADH lost its cooperative unfolding ability after the zinc ions were removed. The shape of the transition curves of Apo-I YADH suggests the existence of an unfolding intermediate. For both native and Apo-I YADH, inactivation occurs at much lower urea concentrations than that needed to produce significant conformational changes of the enzyme molecule. At urea concentration above 4 M, the inactivation rate constants are much higher than those of the fast phase of the reaction of unfolding. These results support the suggestion of flexibility at the active site of the enzyme (C. L. Tsou (1986) Trends Biochem. Sci., 11, 427-429; (1993) Science, 262, 308-381).
KEY WORDS: alcohol dehydrogenase, zinc ion, conformational stability, yeast