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Impact of MK-886 on H2O2 Generation by Human Neutrophils and Cell Degranulation

I. V. Gorudko1 and A. V. Timoshenko2*

1Belarusian State University, pr. F. Skaryny 4, Minsk, 220050 Belarus; fax: (017) 220-7265; E-mail: gorudko@phys.bsu.unibel.by

2Institute of Photobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, ul. Akademicheskaya 27, Minsk, 220072 Belarus; E-mail: timoshenko@phys.bsu.unibel.by

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received February 1, 2000
Metabolic inhibitors can clearly affect different aspects of the functional activity of cells. This property was studied in the present work with respect to MK-886, a well-known inhibitor of the 5´-lipoxygenase-activating protein. It was found that this inhibitor in a micromolar concentration range (2-20 µM) induced in a dose-dependent manner H2O2 generation by human neutrophils and the release of lysozyme from the cells. The MK-886-induced activation of neutrophils was accompanied by a significant decrease in N-(1-pyrene)maleimide-accessible SH-groups in the cells. According to its activity, MK-886 can be considered an agonist that causes up-regulation of inherent neutrophil functions. In summary, the results indicate that during the application of MK-886 as a 5´-lipoxygenase inhibitor in neutrophils, the impact of the compound on the functional activity of the cells should be taken into consideration.
KEY WORDS: MK-886, neutrophil, lipoxygenase, hydrogen peroxide, degranulation, lysozyme