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Role of Chloroplast Photosystems II and I in Apoptosis of Pea Guard Cells

V. D. Samuilov1*, E. M. Lagunova1, S. A. Gostimsky2, K. N. Timofeev3, and M. V. Gusev1

1Department of Physiology of Microorganisms, 2Department of Genetics, and 3Department of Biophysics, School of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia; fax: (095) 939-3807; E-mail: vds@8.cellimm.bio.msu.ru

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received November 29, 2002
We investigated the CN--induced apoptosis of guard cells in epidermal peels isolated from pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. This process was considerably stimulated by illumination and suppressed by the herbicides DCMU (an inhibitor of the electron transfer between quinones QA and QB in PS II) and methyl viologen (an electron acceptor from PS I). These data favor the conclusion drawn by us earlier that chloroplasts are involved in the apoptosis of guard cells. Pea mutants with impaired PS I (Chl-5), PS II (Chl-I), and PS II + PS I (Xa-17) were tested. Their lesions were confirmed by the ESR spectra of Signal I (oxidized PS I reaction centers) and Signal II (oxidized tyrosine residue YD in PS II). Destruction of nuclei (a symptom of apoptosis) and their consecutive disappearance in guard cells were brought about by CN- in all the three mutants and in the normal pea plants. These results indicate that the light-induced enhancement of apoptosis of guard cells and its removal by DCMU are associated with PS II function. The effect of methyl viologen preventing CN--induced apoptosis in wild-type plants was removed or considerably decreased upon the impairment of the PS II and/or PS I activity.
KEY WORDS: apoptosis, chloroplasts, Photosystem II, Photosystem I, DCMU, methyl viologen, Pisum sativum L., mutants