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Interaction of Polymer Aggregates Based on Stearoyl-poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone with Blood Components

A. L. Villemson1, A. N. Kuskov2, M. I. Shtilman2, L. V. Galebskaya3, E. V. Ryumina3, and N. I. Larionova1*

1Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119992 Russia; fax: (7-095) 939-5417; E-mail: nilar@enzyme.chem.msu.ru

2Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Miusskaya pl. 9, Moscow 125047, Russia

3Pavlov St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg 197022, Russia; fax: (812) 234-0125; E-mail: galebskaya@spmu.rssi.ru

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received July 25, 2003; Revision received September 19, 2003
Stearoyl-poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP-stear) of various molecular weights (Mn = 1500-5500) self-assemble in aqueous medium. Particles prepared from PVP-stear were characterized in terms of shape and size distribution, and the mechanical stability of the particles was studied. The interaction of PVP-stear and its aggregates with blood components was investigated. Aggregates formed by the polymers with Mn = 1500-3500 in the presence of human serum are stable. The direct lytic action of PVP-stear preparations was studied using sheep and human erythrocytes. The influence of PVP-stear aggregates on the activation of complement system both on classical and alternative pathways was examined. The aggregates prepared from PVP-stear of various molecular weights had no effect on the activation of the complement system.
KEY WORDS: self-assembling systems, amphiphilic polymer, stearoyl-poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone, colloidal particles, blood serum, erythrocytes, complement system