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Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (R. Lundblad and F. Macdonald (eds.), 4th Edn., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton-London-New York, 2010, 1080 p., $159.95)

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297910110143

The book contains six sections considering a variety of topics in biochemistry and molecular biology. The first section highlights amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It consists of data about their properties, UV-spectra, stability, reagents for chemical modification, and luminescence signals.

Section 2 consists of data about lipids: classification, properties of fatty acids and their methyl esters, composition and properties of common oils and fats, characterization of prostaglandins and related fatty-acid derived materials.

Section 3 is devoted to vitamins and coenzymes, and section 4 consists of data about nucleic acids. Section 5 highlights data about carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives. The largest section 6 focuses on physical and chemical data including numerous various parameters of biochemical thermodynamics, absorbance, pH measurement, acid and base indicators, viscosity, and ionization constants.

The book includes two appendixes: (A) abbreviation and acronyms and (B) glossary of terms useful in biochemistry.

The book will be useful for researchers in protein chemistry and biochemistry, molecular biologists, teachers and students of medical schools and universities specialized in mentioned fields.

Doctor of Biological Sciences,
G. Ya. Wiederschain