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Free Radical Reaction Products and Antioxidant Capacity in Beating Heart Coronary Artery Surgery Compared to Conventional Bypass

A. Gonenc1*, A. Hacışevki1, H. R. Griffiths2, M. Torun1, B. Bakkaloglu3, and B. Simsek1

1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey; fax: +90-312-223-5018; E-mail: aymelek@gazi.edu.tr

2Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, UK

3Department of Cardiac Surgery, Güven Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received October 8, 2010; Revision received December 2, 2010
Oxygen-derived free radicals are important agents of tissue injury during ischemia and reperfusion. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in protein and lipid oxidation and antioxidant status in beating heart coronary artery surgery and conventional bypass and to compare oxidative stress parameters between the two bypass methods. Serum lipid hydroperoxide, nitric oxide, protein carbonyl, nitrotyrosine, vitamin E, and β-carotene levels and total antioxidant capacity were measured in blood of 30 patients undergoing beating heart coronary artery surgery (OPCAB, off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting) and 12 patients undergoing conventional bypass (CABG, on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting). In the OPCAB group, nitric oxide and nitrotyrosine levels decreased after reperfusion. Similarly, β-carotene level and total antioxidant capacity also decreased after anesthesia and reperfusion. In the CABG group, nitric oxide and nitrotyrosine levels decreased after ischemia and reperfusion. However, protein carbonyl levels elevated after ischemia and reperfusion. Vitamin E, β-carotene, and total antioxidant capacity decreased after ischemia and reperfusion. Significantly decreased nitration and impaired antioxidant status were seen after reperfusion in both groups. Moreover, elevated protein carbonyls were found in the CABG group. The off-pump procedure is associated with lower degree of oxidative stress than on-pump coronary surgery.
KEY WORDS: oxidative stress, coronary artery bypass, antioxidant, protein carbonyls, nitrotyrosine

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297911060083