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REVIEW: Vitamin D Deficiency in Europeans Today and in Viking Settlers of Greenland

H. Göring* and S. Koshuchowa

Göring Consulting, Mahlsdorfer Strasse 91, De 12555, Berlin, Germany; E-mail: horst-goering@online.de

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received September 15, 2016
The vast majority of the Earth’s population lives between the 20th and 40th parallel north and south. It seems that right here humans have found the best living conditions relating not only to temperature and food recourses, but also to UV radiation necessary for the production of vitamin D by human skin. An exception to this general rule is Europe. Nearly half a billion people live between the 40th and 60th parallel north of the equator despite the fact that the amounts of UV radiation there are much lower. Moreover, since the time of the Vikings, there has always been a part of the European population that lived even further north than the 60th parallel (the northern parts of Europe, including Greenland). In this work, we present the potential role that vitamin D deficiency might have played in the extinction of the Vikings of Greenland. We analyze factors that contribute to the discrepancy between the theoretical distribution of areas with vitamin D deficiency and today’s reality, like the impact of civilization, religious traditions, as well as vitamin D supplementation in food products and as a biologically active dietary additive. The global migration of people on a scale and speed never seen before is now even more important for this discrepancy.
KEY WORDS: vitamin D (deficiency), UV radiation, Europe, Greenland, Vikings, Scottish paradox

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297916120117