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Mitochondrial Transplantation: A Critical Analysis

B. V. Chernyaka

Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia

Received April 1, 2020; Revised April 1, 2020; Accepted April 3, 2020
“Mitochondrial transplantation” refers to a procedure for introducing isolated mitochondria into a damaged area of a heart or other organ. A considerable amount of data has been accumulated on the therapeutic effects of “mitochondrial transplantation” in animals with ischemic heart damage. In 2017, the first attempts were made to apply this procedure in a clinic. The authors of the method suggest that exogenous mitochondria penetrate into cardiomyocytes, retaining functional activity, and compensate for impaired energy output of endogenous mitochondria. This hypothesis contradicts the well-known fact of loss of mitochondrial functions in the presence of high concentrations of Ca2+, which are characteristic of the extracellular medium. This review critically considers the possible mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of “mitochondrial transplantation”.
KEY WORDS: isolated mitochondria, transfer to cardiomyocytes, ischemia, reperfusion, critical review

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297920050132