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REVIEW: History of Early Bacteriophage Research and Emergence of Key Concepts in Virology

A. V. Letarov1,2

1Winogradskii Institute of Microbiology, Federal Research Center of Biotechnology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117312 Moscow, Russia

2Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

Received July 6, 2020; Revised August 2, 2020; Accepted August 2, 2020
The viruses of bacteria – bacteriophages – were discovered 20 years after the discovery of viruses. However, this was mainly the bacteriophage research that, after the first 40 years, yielded the modern concept of the virus and to large extent formed the grounds of the emerging molecular genetics and molecular biology. Many specific aspects of the bacteriophage research history have been addressed in the existing publications. The integral outline of the events that led to the formation of the key concepts of modern virology is presented in this review. This includes the opposition of F. d’Herelle and J. Bordet viewpoints over the nature of the bacteriophage, the history of lysogeny discovery and of determination of the mechanisms of underlying this phenomenon, the work of the Phage group led by M. Delbruck in USA, the development of the genetic analysis of bacteriophages and other research that eventually led to emergence of the concept of the virus (bacteriophage) as a transmissive genetic program. The review also covers a brief history of early applications of the bacteriophages such as phage therapy and phage typing.
KEY WORDS: bacteriophages, history of bacteriophage research, bacteriophage discovery, the Phage Group, discovery of lysogeny, history of phage therapy

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297920090096