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On the Commentary by Anatoly I. Mikhalsky Published in Biochemistry (Moscow), Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 162-163 (2023)

Leonid A. Gavrilov1,2,a* and Natalia S. Gavrilova1,2

1Academic Research Centers, NORC at the University of Chicago, 60637 Chicago, IL, USA

2Institute for Demographic Research, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 109028 Moscow, Russia

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received January 10, 2023; Revised January 10, 2023; Accepted January 10, 2023
Caution is needed in using cohort data when studying age-related mortality dynamics, because mortality depends not only on age, but also on the changing living conditions over time. A hypothesis is proposed for further testing that the actuarial aging rate may even decrease in more recent birth cohorts of people due to improved living conditions.
KEY WORDS: mortality, cohort data, aging rate, aging deceleration hypothesis

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923020116