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REVIEW: Molecular Bases of Signaling Processes Regulated by Cryptochrome Sensory Photoreceptors in Plants

Grigori Ya. Fraikin1,a*, Natalia S. Belenikina1, and Andrey B. Rubin1

1Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received March 31, 2023; Revised April 28, 2023; Accepted May 2, 2023
The blue-light sensors, cryptochromes, compose the extensive class of flavoprotein photoreceptors, regulating signaling processes in plants underlying their development, growth, and metabolism. In several algae, cryptochromes may act not only as sensory photoreceptors but also as photolyases, catalyzing repair of the UV-induced DNA lesions. Cryptochromes bind FAD as the chromophore at the photolyase homologous region (PHR) domain and contain the cryptochrome C-terminal extension (CCE), which is absent in photolyases. Photosensory process in cryptochrome is initiated by photochemical chromophore conversions, including formation of the FAD redox forms. In the state with the chromophore reduced to neutral radical (FADH), the photoreceptor protein undergoes phosphorylation, conformational changes, and disengagement from the PHR domain and CCE with subsequent formation of oligomers of cryptochrome molecules. Photooligomerization is a structural basis of the functional activities of cryptochromes, since it ensures formation of their complexes with a variety of signaling proteins, including transcriptional factors and regulators of transcription. Interactions in such complexes change the protein signaling activities, leading to regulation of gene expression and plant photomorphogenesis. In recent years, multiple papers, reporting novel, more detailed information about the molecular mechanisms of above-mentioned processes were published. The present review mainly focuses on analysis of the data contained in these publications, particularly regarding structural aspects of the cryptochrome transitions into photoactivated states and regulatory signaling processes mediated by the cryptochrome photoreceptors in plants.
KEY WORDS: cryptochrome photoreceptors, photosensory process, signaling proteins and mechanisms, photoresponsive gene regulation, plant photoresponses

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297923060056