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REVIEW: Multicomponent DNAzyme Nanomachines: Structure, Applications, and Prospects

Daria D. Nedorezova1,a, Maria S. Rubel1,b, and Aleksandr A. Rubel2,c*

1ITMO University, 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia

2St. Petersburg State University, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia

Received July 25, 2023; Revised October 4, 2023; Accepted October 6, 2023
Nucleic acids (NAs) are important components of living organisms responsible for the storage and transmission of hereditary information. They form complex structures that can self-assemble and bind to various biological molecules. DNAzymes are NAs capable of performing simple chemical reactions, which makes them potentially useful elements for creating DNA nanomachines with required functions. This review focuses on multicomponent DNA-based nanomachines, in particular on DNAzymes as their main functional elements, as well as on the structure of DNAzyme nanomachines and their application in the diagnostics and treatment of diseases. The article also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of DNAzyme-based nanomachines and prospects for their future applications. The review provides information about new technologies and the possibilities of using NAs in medicine.
KEY WORDS: DNA nanomachines, DNAzymes, DNAzyme 10-23, nucleic acid diagnostics, targeted cancer therapy, theranostics

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924140141