ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2024, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 371-376 © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2024.
Calculating Aging: Analysis of Survival Curves
in the Norm and Pathology, Fluctuations in Mortality
Dynamics, Characteristics of Lifespan Distribution,
and Indicators of Lifespan Variation
Gregory A. Shilovsky
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119234 Moscow, Russia
Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 127051 Moscow, Russia
Received November 24, 2023
Revised November 24, 2023
Accepted December 29, 2023
AbstractThe article describes the history of studies of survival data carried out at the Research Institute of
Physico-Chemical Biology under the leadership of Academician V. P.  Skulachev from 1970s until present, with spe-
cial emphasis on the last decade. The use of accelerated failure time (AFT) model and analysis of coefficient of
variation of lifespan (CV
) in addition to the Gompertz methods of analysis, allows to assess survival curves for
the presence of temporal scaling (i.e., manifestation of accelerated aging), without changing the shape of survival
curve with the same coefficient of variation. A modification of the AFT model that uses temporal scaling as the null
hypothesis made it possible to distinguish between the quantitative and qualitative differences in the dynamics
of aging. It was also shown that it is possible to compare the data on the survival of species characterized by the
survival curves of the original shape (i.e., “flat” curves without a pronounced increase in the probability of death
with age typical of slowly aging species), when considering the distribution of lifespan as a statistical random
variable and comparing parameters of such distribution. Thus, it was demonstrated that the higher impact of mor-
tality caused by external factors (background mortality) in addition to the age-dependent mortality, the higher the
disorder of mortality values and the greater its difference from the calculated value characteristic of developed
countries (15-20%). For comparison, CV
for the Paraguayan Ache Indians is 100% (57% if we exclude prepuberty
individuals as suggested by Jones et al.). According to Skulachev, the next step is considering mortality fluctuations
as a measure for the disorder of survival data. Visual evaluation of survival curves can already provide important
data for subsequent analysis. Thus, Sokolov and Severin [1] found that mutations have different effects on the
shape of survival curves. TypeI survival curves generally retains their standard convex rectangular shape, while
typeII curves demonstrate a sharp increase in the mortality which makes them similar to a concave exponential
curve with a stably high mortality rate. It is noteworthy that despite these differences, mutations in groups I and II
are of a similar nature. They are associated (i) with “DNA metabolism” (DNA repair, transcription, and replication);
(ii) protection against oxidative stress, associated with the activity of the transcription factor Nrf2, and (iii) regula-
tion of proliferation, and (or these categories may overlap). However, these different mutations appear to produce
the same result at the organismal level, namely, accelerated aging according to the Gompertz’s law. This might
be explained by the fact that all these mutations, each in its own unique way, either reduce the lifespan of cells
or accelerate their transition to the senescent state, which supports the concept of Skulachev on the existence of
multiple pathways of aging (chronic phenoptosis).
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924020159
Keywords: mortality curves, aging, lifespan inequality, phenoptosis, acute phenoptosis, biorhythms, chronobiology
Abbreviations: AFT, accelerated failure time model; CV, coefficient of variation; CV
, coefficient of variation of lifespan.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
This issue of Biochemistry (Moscow) is dedicated
to the memory of the outstanding gerontologist and
biochemist V. P. Skulachev. It includes the article [1]
that mentions the very dialogue, in which it was sug-
gested that not only the value of species-specific lifes-
pan [2], but also its trajectory in a cohort (survival
curve), as well as comparison of survival curves, are
important for solving the problems in the studies of
bio logy of lifespan, an area of gerontology developed
at the Belozersky Research Institute of Physico-Chem-
ical Biology.
The biology of lifespan has been the earliest re-
search direction at the Belozersky Institute. It was initi-
ated at the Department of Bioenergetics in the 1970s [3].
In 1991, a monograph was published in two languages,
which has since become a classic textbook on this area
of gerontology [4]. According to the Gompertz’s law, an
increase in the probability of death with age (at least,
within a certain age interval) is described by the ex-
ponential dependence. Survival curves obey this law,
at least in mammals and classical laboratory animals,
such as nematodes and fruit flies (for more details,
see[5, 6]).
As years passed by, it has become clear that not all
problems could be solved by analyzing life tables using
the Gompertz law (or Gompertz–Makeham equation)
as a model for the increase in the risk of death with
age, as it was revealed, for example, in the discussion
about the limits of application of the Makeham term
and derivatives of the Gompertz law (e.g., the Strehler–
Mildvan correlation) [4-6]. Skulachev has become in-
terested in the assumptions that are now discussed in
the article [1]. Ten years ago, he created and headed a
small group dedicated to studying these topics to which
he contributed much of his attention (see[7-10]).
Sokolov and Severin [1] used the simplest meth-
od of preliminary research, namely, visual comparison
of survival curves, in ten lines of mutant mice with
progeria [11-17] and observed two types of survival
curves. TypeI curves were similar to those for control
mice, while type II curves had (or resembled) an in-
verted exponential shape. Although it was only a pre-
liminary analysis of survival data, it allowed to assess
the severity of impact of the studied mutations on the
survival curve of mutation carriers. In fact, normal
survival curves are poorly approximated by an invert-
ed exponential. This function [exp(-ct)] lacks inflection
points, but has a long tail and is noticeably differ-
ent from a straight line. In survival curves present-
ed in[1], the inflection point is visible even on a step
graph. This fact cannot be ignored when analyzing
survival curves. After all, the presence of inflection
point means the presence of long-livers, which are
quite noticeable and cannot be explained by the error
of measurements. For further data analysis, the Sku-
lachev group used the methods discussed in the next
The studies of Skulachev group. Coefficient of
vari ation (CV). One of the main milestones in the re-
search of lifespan was the article [18] published by
Skulachev, Gavrilova, Gavrilov, and Severin (who is
one of the authors of [1]). Using national population
survey data from the United States and 14 most de-
veloped countries, the authors have moved from an-
alyzing survival curves to studying the lifespan as a
randomly distributed variable. They proposed that not
only the lifespan itself and its time-dependent dynam-
ics, but also its relative variation (e.g., CV) are import-
ant. It has been shown that the relative variabilities
of the parameters of human development and aging
are similar. Thus, the relative variabilities of age at
which such an ontogenically controlled event as fe-
male puberty (menarche) occurs, age of the onset of
aging- associated changes (menopause), and lifespan
(age at death) are approximately the same, and their
CVs fluctuate around 15-20% [18]. Later, analysis of data
on the survival of Japanese women from an open data-
base[19] produced similar results for the CV of lifes-
pan (CV
) [7]. Indeed, all studies of additional demo-
graphic indices, including those suggested by Baudish,
Vaupel, and Colchero [10, 20], began with the recogni-
tion of existence of methods capable of providing new
information on the trajectories of mortality. Another
significant step in the analysis of lifespan data was
the work of researchers from the Max Planck Institute
(Rostock, Germany/Odense, Denmark) published in
2014 in Nature [19]. Jones et al. [19] compared survival,
mortality, and fertility curves for a wide range of
systematic groups (23 vertebrate species, 10 inverte-
brates, 12 vascular plants, and one alga) from the age
of sexual maturation to the age at which only 5% of
individuals survived (terminal age).
Interestingly, Jones et al. in [19] failed to provide
in the summary table the survival curves (and cal-
culations of the studied parameters) for laboratory
mice, despite the abundance of such data. The authors
explain this by the fact that survival curves of mouse
strains are greatly distorted compared to other animals
(due to the load of mutations resulting from keeping
these animals under laboratory conditions). Skulachev
believed the work of Jones et al. to be a truly funda-
mental study that had summarized the most reliable
data on the survival curves of a wide variety of spe-
cies. He discussed the conclusions and ideas of this
work at gerontological seminars and in his articles
[10, 21] and even in his book “Life with No Aging” [22].
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
However, Skulachev suggested that despite the repre-
sentativeness of the studied cohort, the conclusions
of the authors of [19] were not that unambiguous and
therefore, should be critically analyzed [7, 9]. Based on
the calculations, the survival, mortality, and fertility
curves published by the Institute of Demographic Re-
search [19] were divided into four large groups accord-
ing to the ratio between the mortality at the terminal
age and average mortality within the entire studied
period. GroupI included species with the smallest in-
crease in mortality with age (the ratio of the maximum
mortality to the average mortality within the studied
age interval), and groupIV– with the greatest one[7].
Thus, in our opinion, the signs of actuarial aging are
absent in plants and algae, some lower Metazoa (cni-
darians), and some vertebrates (e.g., amphibians and
reptiles). Beside mammals, species with a large number
of postmitotic cells, for example, insects, are most sus-
ceptible to actuarial aging (although the mortality rate
of other arthropods, such as crabs, may not increase
with age). The limitations of the method [19] are most
clearly seen in birds. Thus, contrary to the findings by
Jones et al. [19], large birds age, but their biological
aging might manifest itself at a late age to which less
than 5% of individuals survive in nature. The aging of
small birds, which have many enemies and high ex-
trinsic mortality, is supposed to be almost impossible
to detect in nature. Therefore, in the table, they would
be located next to slowly aging species. The literature
on biogerontology repeatedly mentions a situation
when mortality caused by external causes is so high
that it completely hides age-dependent component of
mortality (a case similar to typeII curves in[1]).
Semiparametric Cox proportional hazards
model and accelerated failure time model (AFT).
Thesurvival curves of mice with mutations that short-
en the lifespan differ (including the shape of the sur-
vival curve [pace and shape of aging]). They also look
different in mice with progeric mutations, which not
only reduce lifespan, but also lead to the development
of age-related pathologies characteristic of this species.
However, the influence of progeric mutations on the
shape of survival curves (shapes of aging) is different
in different cases. Since visual assessment of shapes
of survival curves “by eye” does not always lead to
accurate results (which is why at one time they aban-
doned eye tests, for example, the normality of distribu-
tion), special demographic methods began to be used
in biogerontology. The semiparametric Cox propor-
tional hazards model [23] is widely used in medicine
and epidemiology, but rarely in the studies of aging.
Itestimates the rate of age-dependent mortality under
different conditions by analyzing the log-cumulative
hazard plot, i.e., dependence of the hazard ratio (loga-
rithm of the hazard function) on the logarithm of time,
which is useful in medical research (for example, for
estimating mortality risks at various time points after
surgery), but not for the analysis of survival curves
[23, 24]. The AFT model compares entire survival
curves instead of immediate probabilities of death at
particular time points. In this case, survival curves
can be transformed into each other by changing the
variables: S
(t), where λis a dimensionless co-
efficient that determines the magnitude of the effect,
which is the same for any quantile. The biological
meaning of this formula is that biological clock runs at
a different speed for the two compared groups of indi-
viduals. In this case, changes in the risk of death with
age remain qualitatively the same. Graphically, surviv-
al curves S
and S
look stretched/compressed relative
to each other along the time axis. At the same time, the
values of the mean, median, and maximum lifespan
also change proportionally, and the above-mentioned
lifespan remains [almost] constant [25]. In this case,
temporal scaling takes place, when various factors
that either increase or decrease the lifespan (oxidative
stress, changes in temperature or diet, mutations) do
not change the shape of the survival curve, but only
stretch or compress it along the time axis. According
to the authors of [26], this indicates an existence of
the aging program. In [25], raw data on the effects of
various genetic changes that increase the lifespan in
mice were analyzed using both models in order to se-
lect the model that most closely matched the experi-
mental data. According to the AFT model, homozygous
mutations Prop1 (λ=1.48) and Pit1 (λ=1.39) had the
greatest effect on the mouse lifespan. The homozygous
mutation PappA and heterozygous mutations Clk1
and Irs2
had a somewhat weaker effect in males
(1.20 <  λ < 1.40). The other genetic changes caused a sim-
ilar and rather weak effect (1.03 < λ  <  1.20). In the case
of Irs2
mutation, the effect was stronger in males
than in females, and in the case of Clk1
, it was dif-
ferent in two mouse strains.
In 2016, an automated system was developed that
allowed to accurately record the moment of death in
Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes [26]. It has been
shown that in nematodes, gene knockouts change the
time- scaling coefficient of lifespan (λ) 2 to 3-fold, perox-
ide– up to 17-fold, and temperature– up to 7-fold[26].
Markov et al. [27] analyzed the survival curves of wild-
type Drosophila flies, long-lived flies selected for slowed
down aging (and, consequently, increased longevity),
and short-lived flies that were cultivated on unfavor-
able food (selected for early reproduction). The authors
assumed that with a small difference in the lifespan
of the compared Drosophila groups, there would be a
temporal scaling of survival curves (the Markov’s rule).
Skulachev and his colleagues [8] compared the data on
the survival of Drosophila kept on normal and unfa-
vorable (starch and salt, respectively) media [27] using
the method proposed in [26]. Briefly, the lifespan data
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
were logarithmized and then normalized to a com-
mon time scale by dividing by the group mean lifes-
pan. Themean value for the data transformed in this
way was 1 in all groups. The deviations from the mean
in different groups were compared in pairs using the
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test with the Bonferroni correc-
tion [8] used for the multiple pairwise comparisons
to reduce the likelihood of false-positive results [28].
The Markov’s rule was shown to be valid for small dif-
ferences in CV
(~10%) and non-overlapping survival
curves and therefore, can be used for primary analysis
of survival data [8].
Aging is associated with degeneration of tissues in
organs (e.g., atrophy of myofibrils in skeletal muscles
and their replacement by cells of the adipose and con-
nective tissues or an overall increase in the proportion
of senescent cells). Based on this fact, the authors of
[1] suggested that the primary cause of aging is aging
of individual cells, and not, for example, age-related
changes in intercellular structures. Sokolov and Sev-
erin [1] found that although mutations have different
effects on the shape of survival curves, these muta-
tions are of a similar nature. They are associated with
(i)  DNA metabolism (DNA repair, transcription, and
replication); (ii)  antioxidant protection related to the
activity of the transcription factor Nrf2, and (iii) reg-
ulation of cell proliferation (although these categories
can overlap as well). However, such diverse mutations
appear to have a similar effect at the organismal level,
namely, accelerated aging according to the Gompertz’s
law. This might be explained by the fact that such
mutations, including mutations in the two genes cod-
ing for proteins responsible for the “true progerias”
[Hutchinson–Gilford progeria (Lmna
) and XPD (xe-
roderma pigmentosum D], each in their own unique
way, either reduce cell lifespan or accelerate cell tran-
sition to the senescent state [1]. This supports the con-
cept on the existence of the multiple aging pathways
(chronic phenoptosis) proposed by Skulachev [10].
Considering the differences in the effect of mu-
tations, we can assume that the effect of type  II mu-
tations on the lifespan is more detrimental. Once the
probability of death ceases to depend on age (and
lifespan decreases), then the viability decreases so
much that animals die without having time to age
more. This explains the fact cited in [1] that type II
curves (with reduced lifespan) can be relatively easi-
ly changed. For example, deletion of the p21-encoding
gene (Cdkn
) increases the lifespan in mice deficient
by the Terc1 telomerase, making the shape of the sur-
vival curve similar to an inverted exponential [29].
Transformation of a typeI curve into a typeII curve
requires additional damaging effect and not a protec-
tive one.
Models of cell aging. According to [1], there are
two types of experimental cell models of aging: repli-
cative and chronological. Although both models have
their limitations, they have been successfully used for
testing geroprotectors [30]. However, A. N. Khokhlov
[30], who was mentioned by the authors of [1], stip-
ulated that the theory of replicative aging (and exis-
tence of the Hayflick limit) does not explain aging of
an organism [31]. The statement that cell aging is the
main cause of body aging is also a debatable issue.
Theauthors of [1] refer to the Khokhlov’s theory of ag-
ing. However, if we take his famous article in Bioger-
ontology[32], it says something different: “Apparently,
the impairment of regulatory processes, realized at
the neurohumoral level, still plays the main role in
the mechanisms of aging of multicellular organisms,
not just the accumulation of macromolecular defects
in individual cells. It seems that the quality of the cells
themselves does not worsen with age as much as reli-
ability of the organism control over cells, organs, and
tissues, which leads to an increase in the probability of
death”. Similarly, Skulachev has repeatedly noted the
importance of the control of aging at the body level,
namely the action of biological master clock located in
the cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypo-
Indeed, when studying the effect of mutations, it
cannot be excluded that genes knockout will not af-
fect other processes at the same time, therefore, such
studies should be focused on individual genes or pro-
teins that play an important role in a specific mech-
anism investigated in each specific study. Thus, for
the Khokhlov’s group, which studies DNA damage as a
primary cause of aging, such protein is PARP1 (a uni-
versal sensor of DNA damage) [33]. Skulachev, in turn,
considered the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE system as one of the
most important representatives of the anti-aging pro-
grams (vitauct) [34]. This system controls almost entire
cell antioxidant defense [35], in particular, expression
of genes responsible for cell protection from the oxi-
dative stress and mentioned in[1] (expression of such
genes is under control of Nrf2 due to the presence of
ARE in their promoters; also, p62 protein protects Nrf2
from proteasomal degradation with the participation
of ubiquitin ligase adapter Keap1).
In conclusion, I would like to support Severin[1]
in his suggestion to continue gerontological research
in the directions outlined by the Skulachev’s group.
In particular, it would be very valuable to resume
our weekly gerontological seminars for discussion
of current research studies and news in the field of
biogerontology. These seminars had attracted not only
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 89 No. 2 2024
employees of the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology
and the Faculty of Biology of the Lomonosov Moscow
State University, but also many scientists from other
institutes, which once again confirms the relevance of
the topics discussed at these meetings.
Acknowledgments. The author thanks A. V. Seliver-
stov for valuable advice during writing of the article.
Contributions. G. A.  Shilovsky developed the con-
cept and wrote the article.
Funding. This work was supported by ongoing in-
stitutional funding. No additional grants to carry out
or direct this particular research were obtained.
Ethics declarations. This work does not contain
any studies involving human and animal subjects.
The author of this work declares that he has no con-
flicts of interest.
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