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Resonant Energy Transfer from Proteins to Pyridine Nucleotides in Mitochondria

N. L. Vekshin

Institute of Cell Biophysics, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142292 Russia; E-mail: komarov_y@venus.iteb.serpukhov.su

Received February 19, 1998; Revision received May 18, 1998
Resonant energy transfer in mitochondria from tryptophan residues of proteins to NAD(P)H has been proved. Only one tryptophan residue is a donor per NAD(P)H acceptor molecule. Increasing fluorescence intensity of mitochondrial proteins, observed in hypotonic solution or upon addition of calcium ions, is due to elimination of the energy transfer because of the oxidation of NAD(P)H to NAD(P)+.
KEY WORDS: mitochondria, tryptophan residues, NAD(P)H, fluorescence, energy transfer