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Opioid Agonist Modulation of Cytoplasmic Free Ca2+ Level in Concanavalin A-Stimulated Mouse Lymphocytes

I. M. Molotkovskaya1, I. V. Malyukova2*, and L. A. Zakharova2

1Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya 16/10, Moscow, 117871 Russia; fax: (095) 335-7103; E-mail: dozim@ibch.siobc.ras.ru

2Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Vavilova 26, Moscow, 117808 Russia; fax: (095) 135-8012; E-mail: malukova@ibrran.msk.ru

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received April 22, 1998; Revision received December 4, 1998
In this study the influence of µ-, delta-, and kappa-selective opioid agonists (DAMGO, DSLET, and dynorphin A (1-13)) on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) level in normal and concanavalin-A (Con A)-activated mouse lymphocytes was investigated. [Ca2+]i was measured using the fluorescent dye FURA-2AM. The opioid peptides at 10-12-10-7 M induced some increase in [Ca2+]i in non-activated lymphocytes. However, DAMGO and DSLET (10-13-10-7 M) considerably inhibited a Con A-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. The inhibiting effect of both peptides was higher after 20-min preincubation compare to 2-h preincubation. The effect of the kappa-agonist dynorphin A (1-13) was significantly different depending on the duration of cell pretreatment and the concentration of the peptide used. After preincubation for 20 min at low concentrations (10-12-10-11 M) it slightly stimulated, while at higher (10-10-10-7 M) concentrations it inhibited lymphocyte response to Con A. After preincubation for 2 h, pronounced stimulation of mitogen-induced Ca2+ flux was observed at peptide concentration 10-9 M. The effects of opioids were antagonized by naloxone. These data indicate that functionally active opioid receptors expressed on lymphocytes could be involved in early stages of mitogen activation.
KEY WORDS: selective opioid agonists, lymphocyte activation, cytoplasmic free Ca2+, FURA-2AM, concanavalin A