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Kinetic Mechanism of Fo·F1 Mitochondrial ATPase: Mg2+ Requirement for Mg·ATP Hydrolysis

A. V. Syroeshkin, M. A. Galkin, A. V. Sedlov, and A. D. Vinogradov*

Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russia; fax: (7-095) 939-3955; E-mail: adv@biochem.bio.msu.su

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received February 4, 1999; Revision received March 9, 1999
The initial rates of ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by Fo·F1 (bovine heart submitochondrial particles) preincubated in the presence of Pi for complete activation of the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase were measured as a function of ATP, Mg2+, and Mg·ATP concentrations. The results suggest the mechanism in which Mg·ATP complex is the true substrate of the ATPase and the second Mg2+ bound at a specific pH-dependent site is needed for the catalysis. Simple hyperbolic Michaelis--Menten dependences of the reaction rate on the substrate (Mg·ATP) and activating Mg2+ were found. In contrast to the generally accepted view, no inhibition of ATPase by free Mg2+ was found. Inhibition of the reaction by free ATP is due to a decrease of free Mg2+ needed for the catalysis. In the presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis suggest that the Ca·ATP complex is neither hydrolyzed nor competes with Mg·ATP, and free Ca2+ does not affect the hydrolysis of Mg·ATP complex. A crucial role of free Mg2+ in the time-dependent inhibition of ATPase by azide is shown. The dependence of apparent Km for Mg·ATP on saturation of the Mg2+-specific site suggests the formal ping-pong mechanism in which bound Mg2+ participates in the overall reaction after dissociation of one product (most likely Pi) thus promoting either release of ADP (catalytic turnover) or slow isomerization of the enzyme--product complex (formation of the dead-end ADP(Mg2+)-inhibited enzyme). The rate of Mg·ATP hydrolysis only slightly depends on pH at saturating Mg2+. In the presence of limited amounts of free Mg2+ the pH dependence of the initial rate corresponds to the titration of a single group with pKa = 7.5. The simple competition between H+ and activating Mg2+ was observed. The specific role of Mg2+ as a coupling cation for energy transduction in Fo·F1-ATPase is discussed.
KEY WORDS: Fo·F1-ATP synthase, F1-ATPase, mitochondria, ATP hydrolysis, oxidative phosphorylation