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Temperature Dependence of Tryptophan Fluorescence Lifetime in Aqueous Glycerol and Trehalose Solutions

V. V. Gorokhov, P. P. Knox, B. N. Korvatovskiy, N. Kh. Seifullina, S. N. Goryachev, and V. Z. Paschenko*

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, 119991 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: vz.paschenko@gmail.com

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received June 15, 2017; Revision received August 15, 2017
The temperature dependences of tryptophan fluorescence decay kinetics in aqueous glycerol and 1 M trehalose solutions were examined. The fluorescence decay kinetics were recorded in the spectral region of 292.5-417.5 nm with nanosecond time resolution. The kinetics curves were approximated by the sum of three exponential terms, and the spectral distribution (DAS) of these components was determined. An antisymbatic course of fluorescence decay times of two (fast and medium) components in the temperature range from –60 to +10°C was observed. The third (slow) component showed only slight temperature dependence. The antisymbatic behavior of fluorescence lifetimes of the fast and medium components was explained on the assumption that some of the excited tryptophan molecules are transferred from a short-wavelength B-form with short fluorescence lifetime to a long-wavelength R-form with an intermediate fluorescence lifetime. This transfer occurred in the indicated temperature range.
KEY WORDS: tryptophans, rotamers, fluorescence, temperature dependence, fluorescence decay kinetics

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297917110049